Friday, May 23, 2014

Mrs. Fifer's retirement party

On 15 May 2014,
a retirement party was held
for my mom.

B. Jill (Dyck) Fifer started teaching
at the Inchelium K-12 school around 1980.
While there, she taught high school English,
worked as a school counselor
(after receiving her masters degree),
& then taught 2nd grade.

Before she worked in Inchelium,
she taught high school English
at Kettle Falls School District #212.

* * *

Inchelium is in Ferry County, Washington (State), USA.
Kettle Falls is in Stevens County, Washington (State), USA.

"Kaelber" is tagged on this post
because my paternal grandma  
- E. Virginia (Kaelber) Fifer -
attended the event.