Friday, September 28, 2012

Family Photo Friday

I have shared family photos in several past posts (introduction, Family Old Photos, "Inchelium Couple Adopt Girl"). Lately I have had the wonderful opportunity to go through the photo collection of my Grandma Virginia (my dad's mom). Since I am amassing quite a collection (& hope to come by many more), I have decided that it would be fun to christen Friday as “Family Photo Friday.”

wedding photo
Mary Ann (Sinclair) Kaelber
Frank Kaelber

(Kaelber) sibling photo
(l-r) Alvin, E. Virginia, Florence, M. Belle, James

* * *
These photos have both been added to Family Old Photos
& the first has been added to Dead Fred (where all individuals must be deceased).

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Genealogy? It's a lot of work!

I have recently begun following Ancestry's blog (at They have a recent post - Family History All Done? What’s Your Number? (posted August 16, 2012 by Crista Cowan) - that I think is worth sharing.
Sometimes people don't appreciate just how much work goes into genealogy. It's sooo much more than just slapping names onto a tree & saying "done," though that in and of itself could be a bit of work. (Please refer to the photo I have included from the aforementioned Ancestry blog post.) At the very basic level, there are dates & places of births, baptisms (if applicable), marriages, deaths, & burials. All of these things need to be corroborated by proof, which in turn needs to be properly cited.
For another take, I recommend reading the Family History All Done? What’s Your Number? post.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dead Fred

In my August 22 post, Family Old Photos, I shared about my account & photo sharing with (of course) Family Old Photos. I shared the three photos that I had uploaded to that point.
Well, I have just submitted a photo (the one of my paternal grandfather, Robert Vernon Fifer) to Dead Fred. Because the site requires that all persons in the photographs be deceased, I cannot upload the same photos, as my paternal grandmother & both paternal grandparents are still alive. (You can view a version of his obituary from, as his obituary from Colville's Statesman-Examiner is no longer online.)

I'm beginning to collect quite a few photos of my ancestors. I will be uploading them as time allows.